I Want This Too

I love this collapsing bookcase, which is particularly significant to me since I'm in the process of moving my stuff into the New Viking's house. And I have A LOT of books. Since I don't actually have to move out of my apartment until the end of October, it has been a somewhat leisurely process. I'm trying to move at least one box of stuff every week, a feat made somewhat easier than one might think since I never fully unpacked when I moved last fall. I didn't have a place to put all of my books or kitchen stuff anyway, so it's not like I was just being lazy. So my giant closets are gradually being emptied out.
That said, my boxes are so far basically moving from my closets to the NV's garage, since I still need a bookcase to put them in. I've picked out a decent looking Ikea piece (we're making his bottom floor room into my "library" so it doesn't need to be fancy), but the closest Ikea never seems to have it in stock. Rats.
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