Reader, I'll Marry Him
I am going to marry the New Viking.
He had told me that he was going to propose on Valentine’s Day, and I cheekily told him that I’d probably respond “I’ll have to think it over.” As that day grew closer, however, he determined that he couldn’t ask me to marry him with a clean conscience until my domestic partnership with the Ex had been dissolved. It makes perfect sense to me. Now the Ex and I just have to find time to get together and go to a notary public, which hasn’t been easy. I’m just now coming out of my busy season at work, and the NV and I have been away for the last two weekends, and we’re going away this coming weekend, too. I am hoping to meet up with the Ex this week, while the NV is out of town for work. Maybe I’ll surprise the NV and do the proposing myself when he gets back.
But even without a specific down-on-bended-knee proposal, we have been talking about my moving in with him for some time now. There is absolutely no question in my mind that this is the Real Deal, realer than my previous two long term relationships. I know, down to my core, that he’s the man I’ll be with for the rest of my life. I have the best man in the entire world and there’s no way I’m going to let anything screw that up.
Last night I told Chip, my roommate, that I’d be moving out when the lease is up at the end of October. Nine months of notice should be more than enough time for him to make arrangements. Perhaps he’ll even be at a place in his own relationship where it might make sense for his boyfriend to move in. I feel like I hardly ever even see him. I spend most nights at the NV’s place, but I do stop back at my own place after the gym in the morning to shower and eat breakfast, and I usually stop back again after work to change clothes, wash my lunch dishes and watch the first 10 minutes of “The Daily Show” before driving over the hills.
I do seem to keep in constant motion. The NV always teases me that I overschedule everything. Our “relaxing weekend” in Palm Springs involved a three-and-a-half hour hike up to the top of a mountain that just about killed us, followed by dinner out and the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies. We basically had about an hour of down time on Saturday. At least on Sunday we got to kick around the poolside from nine to noon, before heading back to L.A. for the Oscars. (I’m going to LOVE spending most summer weekends out there.) He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that I am essentially a very lazy person. I most assuredly am! We’ll be in Las Vegas this weekend, meeting up with a buddy of mine, and the only thing I have an the agenda is a performance of the Cirque du Soleil show O. And then, I hope, we’ll have another “black out” weekend in Los Angeles. Really, nothing would make me happier than to sprawl out on the couch all day with my honey and have dinner delivered. That would be sheer bliss.
He had told me that he was going to propose on Valentine’s Day, and I cheekily told him that I’d probably respond “I’ll have to think it over.” As that day grew closer, however, he determined that he couldn’t ask me to marry him with a clean conscience until my domestic partnership with the Ex had been dissolved. It makes perfect sense to me. Now the Ex and I just have to find time to get together and go to a notary public, which hasn’t been easy. I’m just now coming out of my busy season at work, and the NV and I have been away for the last two weekends, and we’re going away this coming weekend, too. I am hoping to meet up with the Ex this week, while the NV is out of town for work. Maybe I’ll surprise the NV and do the proposing myself when he gets back.
But even without a specific down-on-bended-knee proposal, we have been talking about my moving in with him for some time now. There is absolutely no question in my mind that this is the Real Deal, realer than my previous two long term relationships. I know, down to my core, that he’s the man I’ll be with for the rest of my life. I have the best man in the entire world and there’s no way I’m going to let anything screw that up.
Last night I told Chip, my roommate, that I’d be moving out when the lease is up at the end of October. Nine months of notice should be more than enough time for him to make arrangements. Perhaps he’ll even be at a place in his own relationship where it might make sense for his boyfriend to move in. I feel like I hardly ever even see him. I spend most nights at the NV’s place, but I do stop back at my own place after the gym in the morning to shower and eat breakfast, and I usually stop back again after work to change clothes, wash my lunch dishes and watch the first 10 minutes of “The Daily Show” before driving over the hills.
I do seem to keep in constant motion. The NV always teases me that I overschedule everything. Our “relaxing weekend” in Palm Springs involved a three-and-a-half hour hike up to the top of a mountain that just about killed us, followed by dinner out and the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies. We basically had about an hour of down time on Saturday. At least on Sunday we got to kick around the poolside from nine to noon, before heading back to L.A. for the Oscars. (I’m going to LOVE spending most summer weekends out there.) He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that I am essentially a very lazy person. I most assuredly am! We’ll be in Las Vegas this weekend, meeting up with a buddy of mine, and the only thing I have an the agenda is a performance of the Cirque du Soleil show O. And then, I hope, we’ll have another “black out” weekend in Los Angeles. Really, nothing would make me happier than to sprawl out on the couch all day with my honey and have dinner delivered. That would be sheer bliss.